Create your app with ease people travel, you earn
White Label App solution helps to create mobile apps with deals from 250k+ airlines and hotels. Brand and customize your app. Earn commission for each booking.
Benefit from your app’s superb user experience
Advanced filters, like hotel’s vibe and proximity to a specific place
Considerate tips and playful tone of voice
Flights & hotels bookmarks, motivating users to come back
Encouraging bookings
Boosting in-app retention
Standing out
from competitors
The commissions accumulate and are automatically paid to your bank account monthly
Once the vendor confirms a booking, it pays you an affiliate commission (1 - 7%)
To make a booking they are redirected to a vendor’s website
Travelers search for flights or hotels in your app
Earning process made seamless
Up-to-2 tabs webview integration for your web content or products
Feature your products
79 currencies, 26 languages
and right-to-left adaptation for Arabic
Target any market
Easy integrations of native ads blending with app’s design
Get new income streams
Rewards for each booking, paid out to your account monthly
Earn up to 7% commission
Customization of colors, logo, icons, fonts and content
Brand your app
API integration with the largest flight & hotel aggregators
Offer users 250k brands
Launch your market-ready app in a day to earn big
Get regular payouts for every booking made via your app
Promote your app via ASO or paid ads
Set up your app. Customize the design and content
Sign up for App Store or Google Market
How to launch your app?
To view the price and package details, fill in the form
I agree to the processing of my personal data and the Processing of personal data, Terms of Use and Content policy.
Complement your app with a website. Check out White Label Web
Do you have any questions? Contact us!
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